Real Estate Documentation Verification.
Dominican Republic has a great demand in real estate buying and selling, becoming necessary the verification and evaluation of both the person who buys and, the one who sells the property but, above all, the legal status of that property.
We offer the general service of the status of the property and the seller, consisting of:
- Legal validation of documentation;
- Property Legal Status Request;
- IPI Certificate Request;
- Business Registration Certification Request, if it applies; and,
- Request and assessment (diagnosis) of the credit condition of the seller, both company and
- person representing the seller.
Our law firm, Medina Rivera & Asociados, Abogados Consultores, is specialized in real estate law in the Dominican Republic, offering current and fast service in the matter, precise in the reality of the market and the legal jurisdiction we have in the country.
We offer you the best packages of busiess companies:
Commercial Name.
Mercantil Registry.
Building an ONG.
You will have your companie constituted, one in beautiful kit with seals and certification with natural register of taxpayers.
Ready to Succeed!!
We can give you the first advice totally free.
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